Имя: Брайан Дэвис Младший, кличка Бридж (от инициалов - Brian Davis Junior - BrDJ - Bridge).
Возраст - 13
Внешность - низкий подросток лет 12 на вид, неприятно тощий, слегка сутулый и в целом непривлекательный. Брюнет, обладатель слегка вытянутого лица с длинным носом, парой любопытных зеленых глаз.
Биография - Бридж вряд ли сможет много рассказать о себе. По его имени можно подумать, что его отца звали Брайан Дэвис, но тут Бридж не может быть уверен - о своих биологических родителях он ничего не слышал. Он чуть ли не до двенадцати лет прожил в приюте - хорошем, искренне добром, которому явно не хватало денег и людей, но который старался обеспечивать своим воспитанникам хорошее детство. У Бриджа были друзья, ему было чем заняться, он был накормлен и имел крышу над головой - судя по разговорам между детьми, это уже было довольно неплохо.
Бриджу не успело стукнуть двенадцать, когда его забрали. Повод был мелочный - он во время игры в верю-неверю смог прочитать мысли друга. Проблема была даже не в этом - он просто не старался скрывать это и не стеснялся почитать мысли в качестве представления на публику. Если бы он сумел промолчать об этом - всё вышло бы иначе, но Бридж всегда был доверчивым и дружелюбным - зачем ему молчать?
Уже через две недели его забрали в "Аист". За полтора года, которые он провел здесь, ему практически повезло - он не пытался сбежать, он редко ходил в медицинский отсек (просто редко болел), и к нему редко обращались "воспитатели" - видимо, считали его таланты не особенно практичными. Он старался завести новых друзей - но обстановка была явно не подходящей для совместной игры. К тому же его привычка не скрывать факта чтения мысли оттолкнула других детей - и Бридж даже не понял, чего тут такого.
Где-то ближе к тринадцати у него нашли второй талант - он смог "прочитывать" ауры, понимать настроения и намерения. К сожалению, после этого он не смог сдерживать чтение мыслей - при любом прикосновении он мог случайно прочесть мысли собеседника. Это не скрылось от "воспитателей", видимо, поэтому его и отправили в списки на "выбытие".
В прошлый вторник ему исполнилось тринадцать - и всё, что он получил в подарок - лишь пара кожаных перчаток, которые ему сказали носить всегда до прибытия.
Asset: Brave
Fault: Cruel.
Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
Presence 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 2
Intelligence 4, Wits 2, Resolve 2
Study 1, Computer 1, Investigation 4
Athletic 1, Larceny 1, Stealth 1, Survival 1
Empathy (intentions) 4, Subterfuge 2, Persuasion 2, Socialize 2 (First Impression)
Natural Immunity 1, Aura Reading 5, Mind Reading 5
Size 4, Health 6, Willpower 5, Speed 8, Initiative 4, Defense 2
Очень заметный триггер для сверхспособностей - некоторые дети из "Аиста" могли применять свои способности скрыто, но Бридж не способен на такое - хотя тут скорее "даже не пытался". Для чтения аур ему нужно стянуть перчатку с руки и медленно провести открытой ладонью перед собой - аура будет видна лишь на том пространстве воздуха, где Бридж провел рукой. Для чтения мыслей ему нужно прикоснуться пальцами к виску и настойчиво посмотреть на человека, у которого мальчик собирался читать мысли.
Natural Immunity (•)
Prerequisite: Stamina ••
Effect: Whether your character stays out in the cold rain without galoshes or a rain slicker, or shares a bus seat with a kid with the flu, she never comes down with whatever bug is going around. She may have never once been seriously ill (in her admittedly short life). Your character receives a +2 modifier on Stamina rolls to resist diseases and infections: parasitic, amoebic, viral, bacterial, fungal — you name it. Even if your character becomes infected, she continues to receive the +2 modifier on all rolls to fight off or survive the course of the disease.
Mind Reading (••• to •••••)
Effect: Mind Reading is the essential telepathic power; the ability to read the thoughts of others. The three-dot version permits a telepath to read the surface thoughts of an ordinary person, although the telepath cannot yet perceive information that a subject does not currently think about. The four-dot version permits the telepath to probe the mind of an ordinary person for buried information or even subconscious thoughts, or to perceive the surface thoughts of beings who are the subject of a supernatural template, such as mages, vampires or werewolves. The five-dot version permits the telepath to probe the buried thoughts of even supernatural beings. This last version also allows a telepath to perform “light scans” of multiple minds at once to discover who among several thinks something in particular (such as identifying which of several murder suspects thinks, I killed her.)
Cost: 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Empathy versus the subject’s Composure + Supernatural Advantage (resistance is reflexive)
Action: Contested
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The character triggers psychic feedback in his target, making her instinctively withdraw or distrust him. The target can also automatically resist any use of Telepathic Merits by the psychic for the next day.
Failure: The character fails to read the target’s mind.
Success: The character can perceive the target’s thoughts, and the player is allowed to ask one question about them per success. Surface scans are limited to what a subject currently thinks about, although a telepath can attempt to manipulate a subject into thinking about something in particular with a successful Manipulation + Subterfuge roll (contested by Wits + Subterfuge if the subject is aware of the telepath’s capabilities). If the psychic is capable of deep scans, the player can ask questions about any topic, including questions about a subject’s buried memories or even subconscious thoughts of which the subject is not even aware.
Exceptional Success: Extra successes are their own reward. Also, the Storyteller may rule that the telepath discovers some useful tidbit of information in the subject’s mind for which he wasn’t even searching.
Dice Modifiers
+1 - The psychic has successfully used Mind Reading on the subject within the last week.
+1 - The psychic touches the subject.
+1 - The subject willingly consents to a telepathic probe.
+2 - The subject willingly consents to a telepathic probe and also has this Merit, or, at the Storyteller’s discretion, has some other supernatural or psychic power that conveys telepathic abilities.
–1 - The subject actively resists the telepathic probe and also has this Merit, or at the Storyteller’s discretion has some other supernatural or psychic power that conveys telepathic abilities.
Aura Reading (•• or •••••)
Effect: Aura Reading blurs the distinction between telepathy and ESP, as Aura Reading represents a form of psychic perception, but also has elements of mind reading. According to telepaths who have this Merit, all living things (and some “unliving” things) are surrounded by a nimbus of energy that is perceptible by psychic means or by Kirlian photography. Aura Reading allows a psychic to perceive this otherwise invisible halo, and with experience interpret its constantly changing hues to gain insights into a subject. Vampires and mages have access to a similar power known as Aura Perception. Aura Reading, however, does not carry with it the same level of sophistication. And yet, a talented psychic can deduce a target’s general emotional state and perform such feats as determining whether the person is lying.
With the five-dot version, a knowledgeable telepath may use this power to recognize supernatural entities. To a trained telepath, vampires are recognized by their extremely pale auras, werewolves by their vibrant intensity and mages by sparkling lights that appear in the patterns. Dematerialized ghosts and spirits are also visible with this power, as are astral projectors, but only faintly, and a psychic cannot communicate with them without use of other powers. Regardless of the type of supernatural subject, a telepath must have some familiarity with a sort of being to identify it. A psychic who has had opportunity to perceive the auras of vampires might know that a mage is “not right” and also knows that she is not a vampire, but he would not specifically realize that she is a mage unless he also had some familiarity with the auras of willworkers.
Both versions of this Merit require the expenditure of one Willpower point and an Intelligence + Empathy roll, contested by a target’s Composure + Supernatural Advantage; resistance is reflexive. The two-dot version requires the psychic to scrutinize the target for a number of turns equal to the target’s Composure prior to the roll, and a target may be suspicious of someone staring intently at her if a reflexive Wits + Composure (or possibly Wits + Occult) roll for her succeeds. The two-dot version automatically fails against supernatural beings. The five-dot version can be used against supernatural beings, but otherwise functions as the two-dot version. Once a psychic successfully reads a target’s aura, the psychic can continue to view it so long as she maintains concentration, allowing her to observe the target for possible deception or even to predict an imminent attack. A failure on an attempt at Aura Reading means that the psychic is unable to discern an aura at all, while a dramatic failure means she receives false or misleading information. Thus, the Storyteller should always roll for the player when the possibility of a dramatic failure applies. A telepath who successfully reads the aura of someone in the act of lying may recognize that the subject speaks falsely by rolling Intelligence + Empathy + [the successes gained on the initial Aura Reading roll] versus the subject’s Composure + Subterfuge in a contested action. If the psychic wins the roll, he recognizes the lie.
Applied toward reading the mood of potential combatants, this power grants its user a bonus to Initiative equal to the number of successes rolled in activating the effect, provided the telepathic is actively reading the aura of a target at the time that person initiates an attack.
Cost: 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Empathy versus target’s Composure + Supernatural Advantage (resistance is reflexive)
Action: Reflexive (though a subject may have to be studied in advance of making a roll)
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The character gleans utterly misleading and wholly inaccurate information. The Storyteller may wish to make any chance-die rolls for a player, to keep the true results secret.
Failure: The character can distinguish no information at all.
Success: The character can determine the target’s general mood and nature, possibly picking up details about a supernatural being’s nature or whether a particular target is lying.
Exceptional Success: The character gains all the benefits of a normal success. In addition, the character gains an additional +2 dice on all Social rolls made against the target for the remainder of the scene due to his being so in tune with her personality.
Direction Sense.