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Dream Visions (•)
Prerequisites: Must be Mekhet
Effect: Your character’s Mekhet blood touches on a level of
universal interconnectedness that her mind cannot truly grasp.
However, sometimes it gives her fleeting glimpses of insight
and intuition. During the day, she dreams of what’s to come in
vague symbols. Once per night, when she meets someone new
or visits a new place, make a Blood Potency roll. If successful,
ask one question to the Storyteller or the character’s player.
The question must fit with a yes/no/maybe answer. The answer
reflects the last day’s dreams.
Drawback: This Merit may only be used once per person
(and only on first meeting), and once per night. So, if she meets
multiple new people, you must choose who the dreams were of.
Еще он может питаться витэ из призраков
Unnatural Affinity (• to •••••)
Effect: Your character can take nourishment from the blood
of some of the stranger creatures of the World of Darkness. Each
dot of this Merit allows your character to gain sustenance from
one type of supernatural creature. This may mean werewolves,
ghosts, mummies, zombies, or stranger things still. This blood
counts as Kindred Vitae for the purposes of feeding restrictions.
Drawback: This advantage does not inherently mean the
character is (more) able to feed from the chosen subject. For
example, ghosts exist in an ethereal state, and don’t have
physical blood. Werewolves are notoriously difficult to feed
from for more practical reasons that often end in Final Death.
If you take this Merit, work with your Storyteller to determine
how your character might feed from these monsters.